What's the best Toledo Bend sunset you've ever seen? Our cabin has is a prime location to catch some of the most magnificent sunsets on Toledo Bend Lake. Below are a collection of sunsets we've seen so far. Enjoy our sunsets, and if you have some Toledo Bend sunset you can share we'd like to see them!
July 14, 2018
I'm going to name this one "Woman Fishing at Sunset". Our guest who stayed this weekend captured this magnificent sunset at just the right moment. The exposure of the camera is such that her body and fishing pole are a silhouette against the sunset in the background.
- An amazing sunset captured by our guest this past weekend! This one is going into the Toledo Bend Sunsets hall of fame!
July 4, 2018
Our guest captured this sunset with his cellphone on the 4th of July. Check out how the sun is illuminating the clouds!
- Toledo Bend Sunset July 4, 2018
- Toledo Bend Sunset July 4, 2018
- Toledo Bend Sunset July 4, 2018
April 28, 2018
- Toledo Bend sunset with campfire in the foreground
- Boats headed in for the evening before dark.
- It took a lot of shots to get this perfect one with the boat passing in front of the Toledo Bend sunset
Here is a time lapse video of sunset images we took at Toledo Bend on April 28, 2018. Boat were passing by every few minutes heading in before dark. It was a beautiful evening.
As we capture more sunsets we'll add them to this page. If you have pictures of sunsets please share.